Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks,. 개요 [편집] Antimatter Dimensions의 모든 도전과제를 설명하는 문서. Cost: 1e16 EP. Trying to import my antimatter dimensions to NG+++. NG+3 (New Game+++) The most well-known mod on this list, developed by. Cost: GP. There were three kinds - red, blue and green and they combine to form gluons. Time Dimensions gain a mulitplier based on days played. Currently: Xx. NG+3 is an extension to dan-simon's NG++. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. js) moving from right to left, which can contain memes, jokes or topics about certain aspects of the game. . The number of effects vary as well, from 1 to 4. main. html. At Rank 1 - unlock mass upgrade 1. . Notice: You are currently playing in v. # Respecced 모드 Antimatter Dimensions의 환생 시스템을 리메이크한 모드이다. Please update to a newer browser. 00x) Cost: 5 IP. This extends Antimatter Dimensions by a lot. More of them. There are currently 11 secret themes in the game. 2: Added antimatter dimensions! 3-26-2020, v1. Have enough and one could get positrons too, unlock Quantum Challenges that could be paired. Currently: Xx. 진행 공략. . They are unlocked in Mastery Studies . Hope you enjoy! Game: now have a d. Fourth and Fifth Dimension gain a multiplier based on infinitied stat. 243 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. If you would like to create a mod of this game, that's fine, just give credit, let me know in the discord (preferrably with a game link), and name it something slightly different (like. 1234abcdcba4321 Merge pull request #1 from omsi6/patch-1. Cost: 1e80 dilated time. I was poking around the wiki, and it says autobuyers are rewards for completing challenges. All ported mods are: NG↑ (made by Naryuko), NG↑↑, Achievements++, Secrets, QoL, NG+3 (made by Aarex), NG-- (not completed, made by Nyan Cat), Eternity Respecced (not. Each bought Time Dimension boosts. To reduce this problem the guide will use a technique called phase-space tailoring which. E581927j/Start of the NG+++ Section of the Grand Run;. Currently: Xx. However, the multiplier per ten meta dimensions is a little bit stronger. To do this, you buy dimensions, which produce it. NG--- is honestly shaping up to be the most enjoyable AD mod I've played so far! I recorded this and. Here is my save import if someone can help out please. I have seen the later stages so I have come up with the fastest way to prog. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log (x)). points,0) }} Infinity Points Complete Infinity Challenge. Cost: 8 GP. Until 10, Cost: 10 Sp. Fix incorrect conversion of number values to strings. 12. Not sure what I'm missing. Welcome. . . You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. It can be found here. Normal dimensions gain a multiplier based on dilated time, unaffected by time dilation. 400000 sqrt(log10(1+(Workers))) 1x 392 8. export your save and fix it 2. This guide also has some terms that you may not understand (check Terminology for the terms). I made quite the progress in the first episode. . Type a number in this box to see what it looks like in all sorts of different notations. Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. [1] Note: because this Guide is WIP, it will undergo changes on a somewhat frequent basis in line with the pace of the development of NG+3R, so week to week, day to day,. Cost: 1e50 dilated time. However, the multiplier per ten meta dimensions is a little bit stronger. And then someone else made NG-, which makes the game “harder” (slower), and then someone took that, and made it worse, calling it NG–. Welcome to the (2^5)nd episode of my Antimatter Dimensions NG+++ series! The progression picks up the pace with this episode, where I complete many eternity. Welcome to the second episode of my Antimatter Dimensions NG+++ series, where I go for lots of achievements (while getting to infinity several times!)! Hope. New series! Thanks to the popularity of my NG+++ series, and the ending of my Progress Update series, I decided to start this series of another Antimatter Di. YesNo*. 4%. Antimatter Dimensions NG+2 Respecced. . Cost: 1e80 dilated time. The odyssey of Antimatter Dimensions NG+++ is almost complete. . ng++ and ng+++ (recommended) add content, and finaly ng++++ skips a lot of early quantum. 개요 [편집] 본 문서는 Antimatter Dimensions 의 리얼리티 이후의 진행에 대해 다루고 있다. 이지만 실제로 도움되는 팁도 적게나마 있고 (일부는 히든 도전과제 힌트를 준다), 단편적인 세계관 설정이 나오기도 하므로 영어 실력이 받쳐 준다면 흥미로울 내용이 많다. These will be useless if you have neutrino upgrade 2 1x 393 8. Now, it's 2023 and this series is official! Antimatter Dimensions NG-5, wow. Any advice on what I'm missing and/or how energy is actually calculated?Also, if you import the term "aero" as a save and then click the X on the theme, you can open the games folder which has a few more. . 28e79 381 Hatch speed is faster based on your meta-antimatter. 5). . CTRL+F5 the website with AD. Reality can be accessed once you unlock the first 13 rows of achievements, time dimensions 5-8, 1 TT, and 1e4000 EP. 'New Game # 모드 (NG#) [편집] 1. When clicked, it. Best. . It plays like Antimatter Dimensions, with dimension 1 producing money and higher-tier dimensions producing lower-tier ones. A study that requires a certain challenge may be purchased once the challenge has been. mobile-issues Public 9 0 25 0 Updated Jul 26, 2019. So now I have 8 dimensional Autobuyers. This will also allow you to buy a 2nd level dimension, which produce the 1st. Antimatter Dimensions is a challenging and unique idle game in which you must collect antimatter to explore different dimensions. The 7 Celestials are: Teresa, Celestial of Reality Effarig, Celestial of Ancient Relics The Nameless Ones, Celestial of Time V, the Celestial. Code. PINHEIRODENATAL1 • 3 yr. 00x) Max all (M)Cost: 1e16 EP. . Gain a multiplier to IP based on dilated time. Well I got to 0. Cost: 1 K Buy Max Tickspeed: 1000 Dimensions Challenges Dimensions Production Dimensional Sacrifice (1. New Game+++, commonly known as NG+++ and NG+3, is a modification of Antimatter Dimensions which includes new prestige layers, new sets of dimensions, and more. . r/ng3plus. Cost: GP. When buying tickspeed, everything with the same cost increases. 0 multiplier to the 1st Dimension3-26-2020, v1. Meta-antimatter never boosts dimension boosts & IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity, and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. NG+3 Respecced is a scrapped modification of Antimatter Dimensions which adds a lot of end-game content. Currently: x. Some awful thing I made Resources. Cost: 1e60 dilated time. Cost: GP. ) Ok, the original recording for episode 9 was 45+ minut. This is due to the c6 being abusable. Command PromptMultiplier for unspent Infinity Points on 1st Dimension. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Readme License. This is the guide for the Alpha version of NG+3 Respecced. Time Dimensions gain a mulitplier based on days played. This article contains no information from the future update, New Game Plus 3 Respecced. IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity, and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. Using 222, 224 (232), 226, 228 (234), you should be able to reach e1310 within minutes. Lai'tela gives a new currency called Dark Matter, which provides a multiplier to Continuum's effect based on the highest amount of Dark Matter you have ever had. Dimensions. Cost: 1e40 EP. IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. I will explain what happened in the video, not in the description, so watch to see what. 5. It is well known that curved guides introduce unwanted beam inhomogeneities. Actually, super easy! Barely an inconvenience! Complete all the Eternity Challenges 5 times with less than 1 second (game time) in your current Reality. I really came out of the blue with this one, having not uploaded for a few days! Well, this is another mod of Antimatter Dimensions that nerfs everything but. NG+++ "we can really afford 9" achievement help. Revert "Fix merge conflicts". 0000 g/sec) 0. It has been retaken with MrRedShark77's NG+3 Classic Reloaded . The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. . But with all the additional content in NG-4, especially with an addi. Play here! This modification features NG+3, logarithmica_numerus. Antimatter Dimensions 의 하위 모드. Ahh. The electron cost for QC7 is WAY too high!! It took m. ago. This Category page lists all the 6 available Prestige Mechanics that the game has to offer. 28e79 383 Workers boost Meta Dimensions. 0x. My discord: discord server:h. 反物质维度 Antimatter Dimension,是一个国外大神做的游戏,这个版本没有汉化完全,所以看着有点累,这一点我也是没办法,毕竟实力不行不会改啊。. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. 1: Fixed a bug where the max all antimatter dimensions button didn't work. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Antimatter Dimensions 의 하위 모드. Thanks! I'll give it a try. Random. Antimatter Dimensions > NG+++. . Here i very quickly reached eternity. I dont know amy others but try infinity respecced. There is an Antimatter Dimensions NG-3. 0 antimatter. 0 (0) (+0. If you would like to create a mod of this game, that's fine, just give credit, let me know in the discord (preferrably with a game link), and name it something slightly different (like. 那为什么还要用这个版本玩呢?. To unlock Meta Dimensions, you must buy the time study "Unlock Meta Dimensions" with 1e24 Time Theorems. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. NG+++ 1. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity. But also NG+++, which is considered the “main” expansion. . 6 years ago. It's modception now. next video will probably be prestige tree since im not really done with the ng-5 guide part 2 yetdiscord server: discord. that's where you're wrong kiddo. 5%.